Friday, October 14, 2011

Exciting Things to Come

The last three months (okay 2 1/2) of 2011 are shaping up to be busy and exciting!
I will be hosting two blog tours in November for two authors whose new e-books are being released. For one of my days I am actually writing a review! For a YA book no less! It's a great book, however writing a review for it makes me a tad nervous since I feel I'm out of the loop, so to speak, in the YA genre.  But I've got an angle for my review and it's going to be awesome!
Next, I am inviting guest writers/authors to post here, subject matter, up to the author. There are so many indie authors out there and we all need to be discovered and heard! Keep paying it forward!
Finally,  I'm planning to release my next e-book, "Tudor Rose" in December! I'm really, really over the moon about this book. It is the first in a series I've titled "The Tudor Dynasty". That's just a tease. I'll be releasing more over the upcoming weeks. Stay tuned!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

No one reads this

BTW - no one reads this blog!


Okay, here we are in 2011. . .I haven't written in a while. trying to get through the holiday's and stuff.
Here's a real kicker. . .my 39 year old son passed away in May and I did not find out until 12/23! Who knows why?! My son was never close to my side of the family, but being that a couple of my siblings have lived in their abodes for 20+ years, someone could have found them and gotten the word to me. Made Christmas this year a little bit bittersweet as I found out I have four grandchildren! 2011 will be THE year!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Back to Normal (whatever that is)!

The mid-term elections are over, have been for almost a week. All the politicians need to shut up and get to work now. Oh yes, and instead of being bullies about repealing health care, why not put jobs as the top priority?
Now I can get back to the issue at hand. . .writing. Am working on two short stories for possible entry in a contest. I don't usually do that, but thought it might be a good incentive for myself. Will preview them here (or at least the one I enter) in the coming weeks!

Sunday, October 24, 2010


This year's mid term elections are almost here, thank goodness! I am so sick and tired of the "cut throat" ads and the local journalists who fall right into it. Unfortunately, here in GA the candidates are among the poorest excuses for candidates we've had in a long time. Makes me ashamed to live here. The important issues are being ignored and what seems to be more important is a candidates past. I know we've always had to have some of this, but this year is worse. Neither party is better than the other. And the tea party is just blah, blah, blah; a sounding board and publicity venue for a couple.
Someone, do something! Save us from ourselves!

Saturday, October 16, 2010


Hate to do it, but I have to vent. . .the state of the economy, job market is awful. A person my age (late 50's) has virtually no chance of being hired. I would love to be able to make some extra money in order to live somewhat comfortably and even come off of assistance. But it is impossible. Writing takes time and lots of it. Not so much for the creative process, but the selling process.  So I march on, determined not to let all of this mess bring me down. I will prevail!

Sunday, October 3, 2010


Where does one find inspiration? In other authors is one place for sure! I had been sitting in a rut the past week or two. That all changed Friday, October 1st when I watched Oprah's (and I'm not a huge Oprah fan) interview  the author of the Harry Potter books. Now she might be something the majority of us will never become, but her tenacity is surely an inspiration to us up and coming writers! The interview put some much needed fire under me to finish not only some articles I'd been working on, but my "novel" as well!
If we look long enough we'll all find our inspiration!